Schedule - 2024 Vision into the Future Conference

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Your Day At A Glance

  • Transportation & Registration
    9:00 - 10:00
    Sanderson Centre

    Transportation & Registration

    - Board a bus from each school
    - Pick up all relevant conference material (name tags)

  • Welcome & Introductions
    10:00 - 10:10
    Sanderson Centre

    Welcome & Introductions

  • Keynote Address by Sam Demma
    10:10 - 11:10
    Sanderson Centre

    Keynote Address by Sam Demma

    Sam Demma is a best-selling author and one of the most in-demand keynote speakers in the Education and Association sectors. He co-founded the volunteer organization PickWaste, delivered two TEDx talks, and—as a result of his exceptional contributions to Canada—was awarded the prestigious Queens Platinum Jubilee Award.

    His work is often featured on national news shows like Marilyn Dennis, Breakfast Television, and most notably, his mom’s Facebook profile. Sam delivers hundreds of programs across North America annually, and his entertaining presentations address the topics of Mental Health, Leadership and Kindness.

  • Workshop #1
    11:20 - 12:30
    Laurier Campus

    Workshop #1

    Run by experts in the field to help you have an interactive learning experience of the technologies that entail the future.

  • Lunch
    12:30 - 1:30
    Laurier Campus


    Hand in your registration ticket to get your lunch and print your name on the back of it as it will be used in a draw for a door prize

  • Workshop #2
    1:30 - 2:40
    Laurier Campus

    Workshop #2

    A second workshop run by experts in the field to help you have an interactive learning experience of the technologies that entail the future.

  • Seminar – Year 2050
    2:45 - 4:15
    Laurier Campus

    Seminar – Year 2050

    An opportunity to apply the learned technologies to the issues predicted to be faced in the future.

  • Regrouping & Wrap Up
    4:20 - 5:30
    Sanderson Center

    Regrouping & Wrap Up

    Discussion of what took place in the seminar.  2 representatives from every session will have a chance to share.